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  Maynard Elliott Inc. (USA)
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Appraisal Fees

While we prefer to inspect every item, we will appraise works of art from photographs and transparencies. In many cases, inspecting the actual art work may be cost prohibitive. Therefore, when items are not inspected personally, no guarantee is made to the actual condition or possible previous restoration of the work which may reflect the value. Consequently, unless stated otherwise, the work of art will be appraised in pristine condition at the time of appraisal when the work is not inspected personally.

Our fees differ depending on research time spent in documenting the work and other costs that may be involved. We will negotiate a fee on a per diem basis or, as to a specific undertaking, such as appraising a complete collection. A retainer agreement is necessary within these areas.

Appraisal Valuation Fees: Appraisal fees are charged at an hourly rate in accordance with the time required to do the research and to write the appraisal. Fees can also be charged on a per diem basis, or on a negotiated agreed price, such as for a collection of art.

3 Easy Steps For Your FREE Quotation:

Step 1. Simply fill out our form for the Cost For An Appraisal Quotation. It contains the questions that must be answered in order for use to be able to advise you of the cost to appraise your work of art.

Step 2. No appraisal charges occur until we receive a positive reply from you regarding the free quotation you'll receive after filling out the form. Each quotation will carry a reference number and we ask that this number be used in all correspondence. Payment can be made via a valid personal or company cheque. Money Orders and Cashiers Cheques are also accepted.

Step 3. After receiving your free quotation and are ready to secure your appraisal, supply to us, by mail, or preferably by courier, a certified photocopy of your invoice and a picture of the item you have purchased. Please include your cheque with this information.

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