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  Maynard Elliott Inc. (USA)
Maynard Elliott Limited (Canada)

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Company Information

Maynard Elliott Inc. (USA) and Maynard Elliott Limited (Canada) are the first and presently the only fully on-line art appraisal companies on the internet. We are fully independent firms and are not affiliated with any art gallery, or auction gallery such as Christies, Sotheby's or any other "for profit" gallery.

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Maynard Elliott Inc. (USA)
Maynard Elliott Limited (Canada)

613 - 272 - 5467

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Specialists In The Appraisal Of:

American Art - Pioneer American Art, The American Civil War, Early American Western Art and Prints, The Hudson River School, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century American Art, The Prints of Currier and Ives, The Art of the American South, American Art of the Second World War, Contemporary American Art and Prints.
Eskimo/Inuit Art - 19th, 20th and 21st century - Eskimo Art, Images, Stone, Inuit, Dene Art - Artist of The Shamon, Inuit Masterpieces.
Canadian Art - The Canadian Art Club, The Group of Seven, The First Great War Period, The Great Depression, The Second Great War, Post War Period, The 1960's, Contemporary Art.
European Art - Specializing in Western European Art and in particular, British, Scottish, Irish, French, Flemish, Dutch, Italian, and German Works Of Art.

Our appraisals are not limited to paintings from the various eras or countries described above. We also appraise prints, sculpture and objet d'art from other eras and countries.

We have the credibility and experience to prepare professional and responsible appraisals. We provide fast turn around time for newly acquired, original contemporary and/or decorative items. This creates a minimum amount of time that you are at risk and avoids the possible involvement in a contentious or litigious claim.

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